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Old Mar 10, 2025, 04:40 PM
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This is a bit of a weird topic I guess but I'm wondering if leg hair growth can slow around perimenopause? I'm just wondering because I'm 47 and pretty sure I'm in perimenopause because of how super light my periods have become (tmi but I could use 1 regular pad for 24 hr or longer if I didn't change it for hygiene reasons). I have also noticed over the last year, maybe 1.5 years I have to shave my legs and underarms a lot less often, going from about every other day to once or twice a week. Can that happen with perimenopause?
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Old Mar 10, 2025, 04:55 PM
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I believe so. My grandma around 50 pretty much stopped shaving and by 60 she was bald everywhere except from the neck up (she wore dresses without underwear, so, yes, confirmation of EVERYWHERE).
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Thanks for this!
Blueberrybook, LadyShadow
Old Mar 10, 2025, 05:34 PM
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Ha ha muddy! It stopped for me too. It was great not shaving. Then my doctor gave me some kind of hormone for the hot flashes. Not only didn’t it work my hair started growing again. Abet much slower and thinner. I recommend to people not to take hormones if they can help it. My sisters hair on her head got thinner but mine didn’t.
…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
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Thanks for this!
Blueberrybook, LadyShadow
Old Yesterday, 05:51 AM
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Oh joy of menopause.

It definitely slows down by a lot. I used to shave daily as my body hair is black and thick. But since I entered menopause I shave way less infrequently. Same with under arms. Not just legs.

My hair (head) isn’t thinning yet though, thankfully. But facial hair is growing insanely. I’d rather shave my legs every day than having to pluck my chin!
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Blueberrybook, LadyShadow, Nammu
Thanks for this!
Blueberrybook, LadyShadow
Old Yesterday, 04:21 PM
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Blueberrybook Blueberrybook is offline
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My head hair definitely is thinning I lose so much hair in the hair catcher in the drain every time I take a shower. And it never was thick to begin with! At this rate, I'll develop a bald spot by the time I'm 50!

I already have 1 chin hair I have had to pluck for years; I just dread the thought of even more growing!

I'd rather have to shave my legs every day than to lose the hair on my head and pluck chin hairs...!
Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD

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There's a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in.
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Old Yesterday, 04:30 PM
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Every cloud has a silver lining! Shaving is too time consuming anyway haha
Old Yesterday, 06:38 PM
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I have one chin hair too!! I’m only 28! But it’s just been the one for a while and it actually feels kinda good to pluck it. This may be TMI but plucking nipple hairs feels the best to me. I hope I’m not alone in this lol
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